Success in the Second Half

A famous quote by James Baker, former Secretary of State, describes the Five P’s:  “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” and isn’t that just the damn truth? Setting goals and doing progress checks are essential to setting yourself up to achieve your goals. At Shine Your Bright, it is our mission to help you reintroduce yourself to your true self when you’ve gotten off track or lost sight in your mission.  As the summer comes to an end and we are transitioning into a new season of our lives, let’s recalibrate and hold one another accountable to Shine even Brighter in the second half of the year.  Here are 7 ways we can set ourselves up for success:

  1. Write down 3 high level goals in each area of your life that you’d like to focus on, be specific and honest, realistic and ready to commit to making the changes. (ex. 1 goal in your work/career, 1 goal in your personal life/relationships, 1 goal in your health/exercise)

  2. Ask a friend or family member to be your accountability partner and meet once a week.  Schedule the date, put it in your calendar, and stick to it

  3. Introduce 1 or 2 new healthy habits into your routine, such as drinking 6-8 glasses of water and reading 10 pages in your book everyday! 

  4. Update your screen time restrictions to 1-2 hours less on your favorite social media or game app

  5. Set your alarm for 1 hour earlier in the morning and go to bed 1 hour earlier than normal

  6. Schedule a calendar reminder for every two weeks to check on your progress and reflect and journal on your experience and dedication to keeping up with your goals

  7. Spend 30 mins - 1 hour on Sunday nights planing your upcoming week

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Meditate on your intentions for this new season in your life and dust off your journal.  It is time to set yourself up for continued success and take on every new day and challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you are in need of a new Shine journal, order directly through our website at 

Kristi Frank