Find Your Bliss

Have you ever experienced the feeling of bliss?  When time passes without noticing, having a smile plastered to your face and not a single care in the world.  Unfortunately, we don’t live in this feeling forever because, like many great things, they don’t last - but it’s simple and glorious to experience moments of bliss that become locked in time in our memories.  Shining Your Brightest is another way to describe a state of bliss -- taking moments to reflect, realize and rejuvenate when you’re feeling off balance, mentally or physically. 

Taking in the sweet senses that the world around us provides is a great way to channel your inner peace and pleasure.  Taking a walk, stopping to smell the flowers, petting a puppy and listening to your favorite song are some simple ways to channel your bliss.  Taking a vacation, digging your toes in the sand, exploring a new place, or getting dinner with your best friend… all help us remember what’s important in life. and It’s our connection to self and recognizing our inner desires that brings about more opportunities to have moments of bliss.  When the grey clouds seem like they won’t clear up, it might be a great time to step aside from our responsibilities and pick up our Shine Your Bright journal and let the words flow from your mind, pen to paper.  

Journaling and taking dedicated time to note what you’re thinking, feeling, experiencing and hoping for allows you to find more clarity and uncover more moments of pure bliss on a daily basis. Living for those special moments in time when we lose track of the chaos of the world, especially when expressing our inner feelings and desires, is something to be taken advantage of.  If you needed a sign, this is your sign to grab your favorite beverage, maybe a hot cup of coffee or tea in your favorite mug, leave your phone behind, pick up your journal and go write! Write from a prompt in the Shine Journal or take a moment to free-write.  Capture your moments of bliss, what you’re thankful for and breathe in the fresh air of this beautiful life! 

Life is short, go out and find your bliss. 

Kristi Frank