Choosing Gratitude


From the moment we wake up to the moment we lay back to rest, we are destined to make thousands of choices.  Shine Your Bright is here to help you make choices that will fill your cup so you can live happier and make decisions that feel good on the inside and on the outside.

Let’s start with how you begin every new day.  What do your mornings look like?  Do you wake up with the immediate weight of the day’s responsibilities piling up with no end?  I used to wake up that way.  Then I realized how my morning routine could be adjusted and how small changes would ultimately affect the rest of my day in a positive way.  I invite you to try some of these methods for starting your day off on the right foot to walk the path that Shines the Brightest. 

1st - Brew a nice pot of coffee or tea and take in the delectable smells of the morning.  Listen to the birds, say good morning to your neighbors, take a moment to yourself. 

2nd - Breathe deeply for 3 minutes and be grateful for every breath. Get grounded from the start. 

3rd - Take yourself on a nice walk, breathe in the fresh air and look up and be grateful for all of the small things in life that mean a lot to you. 

Your morning routine will change with the different responsibilities every new day brings however, whatever the staples of your morning routine may be -- such as a cup of coffee, use that time to CHOOSE to be grateful.  Grateful you are alive, grateful for your health.  We can all fall victim of being judgmental, jealous and feeling overwhelmed but when we choose to be grateful for everything we have and for every new opportunity, our minds reward us and give us serotonin.  Learn to appreciate what we have, not what we lack and we begin to reframe our minds and ultimately it affects our SHINE.  We invite you to choose gratitude in the small moments and appreciate things for how they are.  If you feel the need to change things or people, challenge yourself to change the way you perceive it.  

When you choose to be grateful, you are making the conscious effort to change the outcome of any situation that happens in your life. Choices are inevitable in our lives - will you choose to be grateful? Allow yourself to Shine in gratitude. Shine on!

All too often life throws us curve balls or we end up on autopilot ready to implode. We find ourselves burying our feelings just to keep everyone and everything around us afloat. Is it time to start to release some of the pressure and get to know yourself again? Shine Your Bright can help. Start with our journal now!

Heather Breedlove