The Importance of a Morning Routine

Our morning sets the tone for our entire day, so why not start it off Shining Bright? This month we’re sharing some insights and actionable tasks you can do to incorporate a healthy morning routine in your life! 

First, let’s discuss the importance of a routine.  We believe this is one of the most important things we can  do all day!  We can take ownership of how we spend our time and take control of our schedule rather than feeling like our day starts with the first expectation or meeting coming from an outside source.  You have the power and control to start the day how YOU want - so take advantage of it. A morning routine is time for you to nourish your mind, body, and soul each morning with readings, meditations, exercise, or other practices you enjoy. .

Whether you consider yourself a “morning person” or not, this limiting belief can often deter you from taking initiative toward a strong morning routine.  Let’s change that inner dialogue!  No matter if it’s easy or difficult to get yourself out of bed in the morning, setting and accomplishing a few small, yet impactful practices will surely help you rewrite the narrative about being a “morning person.” Taking care of you first thing in the morning can carry with you throughout the day. With a morning routine, you start the day right.

When we wake up in a rush or simply waste time, we can end up feeling anxious throughout the day.  Stress builds up when we feel like we lack enough time to complete all of our responsibilities. When we have a morning routine in place, with a set amount of time for it, we can breathe easy knowing everything else will get done once we first take care of ourselves..  Avoiding unnecessary stress is critical because stress affects our overall health, both physically and emotionally, and reduces our Shine.

One thing we highly recommend incorporating in your morning routine is turning on your brain.  This does not include social media because that can send us into a mindset of judgment, envy, or fear.  Starting off your day with grabbing your Shine journal and using one of the insightful pictures and prompts to exercise your mind is a great way to start the day off on the right foot. 

Now that we’ve covered the importance of a morning routine, here are some key reminders when building your own morning routine:

  • Consistency is key

  • Choose small and manageable practices to begin 

  • Practice gratitude 

  • Incorporate healthy habits like eating your vitamins, taking a walk, or stretching

  • Eating breakfast sets your energy levels, don’t forget this one

  • Drink water! First thing and throughout the day

  • Completing a morning routine gives a feeling of accomplishment at the very beginning of the day

We hope you are jazzed and ready to either begin or fine tune your morning routine. We know how tempting it is to hit the snooze button and stay in bed but if you instead get up and begin your morning routine, you will develop healthy habits that will ultimately lead you to the life of your dreams.  You may start introducing other healthy habits into the rest of your life too as a result of having a sustainable morning routine.  Maybe you’ve always wanted to meditate - start small and grow from there! You are in control of your mind, life and decisions.  The best way to Shine Bright is to take extreme ownership of this and build the life you want to live!

Kristi Frank