Dress to Shine

We’ve all heard the phrase “look good, feel good” and we can attest, this statement is true.  When you’re confident in the way you look on the outside, your confidence on the inside shines through.  Whether that be having a good hair day or simply loving the day’s outfit, feeling good about yourself is one of the most foundational pieces to Shining Bright. 

As we begin to pack up our winter wardrobe, let’s take a look at what we’re unpacking for spring.  If you pull out a top or pair of shorts that no longer serves you in the next season of your life, it’s time to put the item back into circulation and donate it.  What does it mean to have your clothes serving you?  They make you excited to put them on! The colors compliment your hair and skin tones, the fit & material is comfortable on your body, the design is flattering to your body style and the integrity of your outfit matches the person you want to be when you walk out the door.  

Over time, we outgrow our clothing and tend to hold onto pieces year after year, never wearing it but keeping it around because it holds some sort of sentimental value or we feel we may need it in the future.  Let’s outgrow this! While you prepare your physical space to get rid of old, used items, you should also prepare your mind to detach from the item.  In recent years, the KonMari Method has become popular.  “The KonMari Method encourages people to get rid of items that no longer have a purpose (or no longer "spark joy") and keep items that are purposeful and meaningful.” We are in full support of this! This method also preaches to constantly tidy and declutter rather than do periodical major clean outs - but you have to start somewhere right?  Start by trying on the item and if it isn’t a “hell yes,” consider it a no. Thank the item for the time it spent in your life and put it in a pile to go live on in someone else’s wardrobe. 

A fresh start to a new season is a great way to dust off your Shine and prepare for greatness.  Add “picking an outfit out” into your morning or evening routine and watch the results unfold.  You may notice your mood, energy and perspective change. Cheers to cleaning out our closets and cheering up! 

Kristi Frank