Do You Believe?

At a very young age we are taught what it means to believe in something.  We are told tales of the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and we believe it’s possible.  As we get older, we tend to feel lost and listen to ideas of a broken society and the magic fades while the responsibilities of being an adult increase. As a Tribe dedicated to Shining Our Brightest, it is our personal responsibility to believe in the benefit of the doubt, the good, the kind and the chance that there is still magic in the world, if we believe.  The holidays are a great time to invite the cheerful notion of believing in the joy that fills our lives if we choose to see it.  Believing in something is a choice, don’t forget that!

There is so much power in believing and we’re here to remind you that it can be a true source of self-encouragement.  Religious beliefs, political beliefs, marital beliefs… all types of beliefs can either unite or divide us.  We generally build our tribes with people who believe in the same things we do.  Take  time to really consider what it means to believe in yourself, your work and your family.  What do you believe are the most valuable ways to spend your time and energy? The answer to that question and what you believe about yourself and your life is the North star you want to work toward.  Your beliefs  guide your thoughts which affect your emotions and actions.  Just as many philosophers and scientists have studied this in history. With the Law of Attraction - a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on, if you calibrate your thoughts to believe in the good and trust your gut, everything will work out just the way it should, even as challenges arise.

To quote Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  Use this as some food for thought as you set your goals, intentions and resolutions for yourself in 2022.  Believe you can and you will! 

Try out this exercise in your journal:

  • What do you believe in from the bottom of your heart and in your soul?

  • What limiting beliefs do you need to overcome in 2022?

  • How has believing in yourself changed a situation in your life for the better?

  • What do you believe will be the best areas in your life to invest more time and energy in?

Kristi Frank