100 Days in 2022

What could you accomplish if you made the time?  This question can keep us up at night, wondering what we would do if only we had more time.  As we continuously aim to improve our minds, bodies and souls, the question bears, what would you do with more time? 

It’s no secret that everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day. What differs is how we all use those hours.  We don’t make our future, we make our habits and our habits determine our future.  Our habits are formed based on what we do on a daily basis, our routines and how we spend our time.  Time is truly the most valuable resource to any human being and it dictates how we live our lives.  What does your relationship with time look and feel like?  Do you feel like it's passing you by or you're making the most of it?  Does having spare time excite or bore you?  These are questions to dive deep on in your journal.  Now is the time to understand our relationship with time and how it affects our decisions. 

The beauty of the start of a new year is that it brings a natural reset.  You can change so much in a year and so much can change around you, both in and out of our control.  However, what we can control, is how we spend our time.  This is our moment to Shine. 2022 is following two very strange years that challenged many of us in ways we never anticipated. Now is our chance to embrace the power we do have and redefine how we spend our time and efforts.  Here is the challenge: 100 days of new habits.  Take the first 100 days of 2022 to change one thing about how you are currently living, if you feel you need to reset, as many of us do.  

Commit to the change, tell your friends, write down your intentions behind the change and start a countdown.  For many, achieving new heights with steady progress is hard to stay on track with because there is no end in sight or it is difficult to see the progress that has been made. This challenge has been reframed to count DOWN from 100 days and see how many days you have left to accomplish whatever it is you are wanting to achieve. Big or small, life changing or not, you can do this and you have a tribe of people who are on this journey of life, all striving every day to Shine our Brightest.  

Use the prompts mentioned regarding your relationship with time to get your headspace ready for a challenging yet rewarding 100 days!

Kristi Frank