Getting Your Mojo Back


We’ve all been there. Where we don’t know what’s bothering us or why we’re feeling down but can’t seem to snap out of it.  There comes a time in our lives when we realize it’s our responsibility to take responsibility for our own happiness.  That’s where Shine Your Bright meets your everyday life.  We understand there are really good times in life and some not-so-good times.  The Shine Journal was made for both of those times.  This very special journal allows us to take everyday objects, scenes and moments and apply different perspectives and meanings to them, depending on how the picture card speaks to you. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to journaling and with the variety of Shine prompts on every page, you have the ability to choose what to write about every time you open the book.  Getting your “mojo” back means getting back to your happy and joyful bliss, attacking issues head on, with a positive attitude and remaining motivated from the moment you wake up to the moment you lay to rest.  

Here are some of our favorite ways to take responsibility for your mindset and get your mojo back:

  1. Step outside to your favorite spot with your Shine Journal, pick a page and start expressing yourself!

  2. Lock up your phone for the night and go for a walk for some ice cream with a friend.

  3. Lay down for 30 minutes in your bed and meditate, get up and make a fresh cup of coffee.

  4. Take a blanket,sit on the grass outside, look up at the sky and take 3 deep breaths.

  5. Take a shower and put on your favorite t-shirt and a 20-minute funny sitcom before starting another task.

  6. Call your mom or best friend and ask if they have a moment to catch up, let them know you just need to vent briefly, if you need to get something off your chest.

  7. Create a playlist of all your favorite songs and put it on while you work!

Every day can’t be the best day of our life but when we put in the effort to change our mindset and be mindful of when we’re not feeling our best, our true Shine can break through and we get our mojo back! Shine On, Shine Tribe! 

Kristi Frank